Air Mail Act of 1925

 One piece of legislation that came out that I feel was an important step into modern day delivery services using air is the Air Mail Act of 1925.  When this piece of legislation became a law, what it did was give the United States Postal Service higher private contractors to deliver mail rather than government appointed aircraft, which at the time was scarce and inconsistent.  The Act was brought forth by a congressman named Clyde Kelly who explained, "the Act permits the expansion of the air mail service without burden upon the taxpayers(Matignon, 2019).  Although this Act went through many amendments, it paved the way for modern day commercial air travel.  

Although it went through many amendments, like the Air Mail Act of 1926 and Air Commerce Act, it still opened the doors for basic private contracting for packages.  This is still carried on today as certain bigger corporations charter packages all over the world.  Sometimes DHL will carry packages for Amazon or USPS will carry for UPS.  It all stems from this very first act almost 100 years ago allowing private companies to fly mail. Imagine living in a world where the government was incharge of all postal shipments with no outside contracting, I can't.


Matignon, L. D. G. (2019, June 3). The Air Mail Act of 1925 and the NASA COTS program. Space Legal Issues.


  1. This is a good topic to bring up because of how air mail services affect everyday life in todays day and age. This was a very pivotal thing to pass because it made sure that deliveries would always be able to get to their destination in a timely and effective manner. I could not imagine relying on the government to deliver all the goods that get shipped around the world now, it would take forever to go through the same process. Good Post!


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