Ethics and Integrity

 When it comes to ethics in the aviation industry for me is having integrity.  Since I work as an jet engine mechanic i know from first hand experience that you need to be able to do the right thing not matter how unfavorable it may be.  You must have a solid integrity and not be swayed when you know something is wrong.  I have personally argued with my superiors because I knew something was wrong and did not want to sign off on no maintenance action required.

I read an article about on linkedin called "3 Huge Reasons Why Integrity is So Important".  The narrator, Marcel Schwantes, tells his story about different jobs he has held and the difficult situations he has been put in where his superiors are telling him to do something that is against his ethics.  In his article he writes "It seems like a lonely place to be for those who do the right thing without the backlash. Yet it sure feels good to live and work with integrity, and when we become known for this highly valued trait, our lives and our careers can flourish"(Schwantes, 2015, para17).  This speaks to me because I have had to make these decisions before and even though i may have been criticized for doing so, i can go to bed knowing I did the right thing.

 You can never have the attitude of "that will do", you must push yourself to always produce the perfect product because with aviation you don't get a second chance once the aircraft is in the sky.  You must stand for your ethics of making the tough decisions even when no one is watching and its not what everyone else wants.  This is my personal opinion on what ethics in the aviation industry means to me.


Schwantes, M. (2021, February 8). 3 Huge Reasons Why Integrity is So Important. 3 Huge Reasons Why Integrity Is So Important.


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