Engine Importance
Every part of an airplane is needed for an aircraft to take off, however I feel the most critical system in any aircraft is the powerplant. No matter what without a powerplant all any aircraft would be is a very expensive paper weight. Depending on the aircraft there may only be one engine and any type of total engine failure could result in aircraft incident and could potentially lead to death. With modern day airliners most have two engines which losing both motors is very rare. In a USA Today, they interviewed pilot John Cox, and when asked about total engine failure he responded " It would vary depending upon the wind, but around 100 miles would be a good estimate. Having all engines quit in a modern airplane is extremely rare"(John Cox, 2013). However, if you take a F-16 with a single motor and extremely different aerodynamics compared to an airliner, with total engine failure there is no gliding. Total engine failure means you have seconds to point th...